
The dawn of Summer (or Spring, as some may have it) is putting me in such a good mood, that today I planned (in no great detail) the next TEN years of my life. Once in a summery mood, it all seems so clear. Part one - start doing something with the photographs I've been making. As previously mentioned, this has ceased to happen due to a few factors, and I'm going to, basically, lower my standards to help me get productive again. So you will see colour casts aplenty, and I no longer care. Here's some images from a holiday to Cornwall last summer, and here's to another summer like that one!



As the days become longer and warmer, I realise that the last time I did anything of significance concerning photography was when the situation was inverted. I had thought at the time that winter would be the perfect time to sit in front of the computer, doing all those tasks that had been written on various post-it notes for months. Then I discovered the excitement of a log burner, and that my PC sat in the coldest room of the house. More recently we adopted a dog, and watching him run through streams became more enjoyable than wandering around crappy northern towns. However, he will become the best photo-walk buddy once he learns some restraint, and he can learn the wonder of said towns.
Ironically a couple of good things came my way during my unplanned hiatus, including some of my 'Going Coastal' work being displayed at Trove in Levenshulme, Manchester. If you haven't been, they make a buzzing pizza and use Has Bean coffee, so you should add it to your plans. I also had some images included in the fantastic, Manchester-based Shrieking Violets zine:

(click the image to see the full issue online)

Recently I visited Paris for a weekend, which, along with the scent of approaching summer, has injected life into me again. The medium format images will follow soon, once I've finished playing around with them, but for now here's a few I took with my 'pocket cam' (an Olympus XA1):